
Way to Get List of IP Addresses

IP addresses are used as a way to trace computers that are sending or receiving messages from your system. If you want to build a list of IP addresses that are gaining access to your system, there is an easy shortcut that you can do through the Command Prompt. The Command Prompt is an MS-DOS-based interface that allows the user to enter computer codes. You can find out who is on your network by using a specific networking command through the Command Prompt.


1.Click on the "Start" button on your computer's home screen.

2.Type "CMD" into the "Find" icon and press the "Enter" button.

3.Wait for the Command Prompt to open on the screen. This is a black box with a flashing cursor.

4.Type "netstat" into the Command Prompt and press the "Enter" key.

5.Wait for the netstat to finish searching your computer's connections.

6.Look for the "TCP" column on the screen to get all of the IP addresses connected to your system.

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